Andybe serious.You are not trying,you are whining. Wake up,six.She's just doing her job. where so many people would die to work you only deign to work. And you want to know why she doesn't kiss you on the forenead and give you a gold star on your homework at the end of the day.
当我单纯的以为电影要在日本xx18happy ever after做快乐笔友的时候我觉得情节加画风也就四颗星但后面的剧情一再颠覆我的想法互相交融的色彩和拯救互相伤害互相毁灭到最后互相成就从未谋面的人激烈地改变着对方的人生这是比《《色即是空》》更拨人心弦的现实故事当玛丽和死去的马克思连同亨利N世连同喝空的炼乳盒一同望向天花板时当视线越过重叠泛黄的信封越过厚重的友情和年华我想她确实看到了马克思在天堂如同他心愿的那般成为了掌管巧克力的天使 色彩交融阴郁的黑与混杂的黄Hopefully one day, our sidewalks will meet, and we can share a can of condensed milk.